I come from Silesia and the Mountains. My childhood was a ride in a roller coster on extreme amplitudes. I descended into the mines and climbed to the top of the hills. I got to know the generosity of the Silesians and the stubbornness of the Highlanders. I soaked it up like fabric with dye. I received a lot of light from them, but I also learned what darkness is.
I only walk in the absence of colors. I wear black - apart from the completely practical dimension of this solution - black has become a symbol of sacrifice and courage for me. It is identification with a very specific group of people. I see them more and more often. We don't have to say anything to get to know each other. But all these people see thestrals.
Nowadays, my profession is to go down to my personal mine in search of the most valuable raw materials:
emotions, feelings and Love
love is the material as dark and heavy as coal,
who burns brightly and warms others