Dominika Kozłowska

Dominika Kozłowska

About me

Dominika Kozłowska - actress, deaf person. She uses Polish sign language (PJM).

Graduate of ROE - Acting Studies in Wrocław in the field of acting with an excellent result (2020).
Winner of the "Golden Yorick" at the Shakespeare Festival for the play "Romeo and Juliet" at the J. Słowacki Theatre in Krakow, as well as the Tukan Dziennikarzy award at the 44th Review of Actor's Songs in Wrocław for "For courage, truth, for a geyser of emotions and opening our eyes, for exceeding our imaginations of what an actor's interpretation of a song is. Truth and courage are paramount values ​​in the work of journalists". She received a distinction in the "Man without barriers" competition for a Deaf actress with an impressive achievement. She has theater and film roles to her credit, both main and supporting. She plays in bilingual performances and in sign language. She is sometimes the only deaf actress in the cast, but it doesn't stop her from working. She performed in Cricoteka's "War in Heaven", which received the main prize in the competition for the best independent play in 2019, "The Best Off". Her life motto is: "I never give up".


Acting age
16-36 years
Year of birth
1997 (28 years)
Place of birth
Height (cm)
Eye color
Hair color
dark blond(e)
Hair length
Very long
Place of residence
Wrocław (PL)
BasketballBalletBoxingCapoeiraHorse ridingMartial artsSaber fightingWheel gymnastics
Hip hopSolo danceFormation danceModern danceScenicVoguing
Main profession
Special skills
ChoreographyMinor artsModel


Professional background

- Studium - Szkoła Artystyczna ROE we Wrocławiu, kierunek: aktorstwo (2019-2020) - Drama Camp: Making Diversity Colorful Through Art in Al, Norway (2020)


Sztuka Odwagi (Documentary movie)
Tukana Dziennikarzy
Człowiek bez barier 2023
Romeo i Julia (Drama)
Wojna w niebie (Drama)


Freak Show (Documentary movie)
zespół Rebel Crip Casting Director: Łukasz Ronduda i Filip Pawlak
Przez ścianę (Feature film)
Janka Bierecka (SR) Casting Director: Maciej Sobieszczański Written by: Maciej Sobieszczański
Melody of silence (Melodia ciszy) (Short film)
Nauczycielka (SR) Casting Director: Ina Knap
Sztuka odwagi (Documentary)
Dominika Kozłowska (MR) Casting Director: Dominika Płatek


Znak z językiem (Drama)
Main role Theater: Teatr Współczesny w Szczecinie Casting Director: Daniel Kotowski
Romeo i Julia (Drama)
Julia (MR) Theater: Teatr im. Juliusza Słowackiego w Krakowie Casting Director: Dominika Feiglewicz i Zdenka Pszczołowska
Wojnokraka (Drama)
Ola (MR) Theater: Teatr Pinokio w Łodzi Casting Director: Grzegorz Grecas
Opowieści z wielkich bloków (Drama)
Weronika (MR) Theater: Wrocławski Teatr Lalek Casting Director: Marta Streker
Serca ustało (Theater recording)
Main role Theater: Muzeum Pana Tadeusza Casting Director: Marzena Sadocha
Wojna w niebie (Drama)
Aniołka (MR) Casting Director: Dominika Feiglewicz
Zosia (Theater recording)
Zosia (MR) Theater: Muzeum Pana Tadeusza Casting Director: Marta Streker